Pressure Testing

Testing Services-Pipelines, Piping Systems etc

Testing of Pipelines & systems (hydrostatic testing)

Pipeline Testing (and Pre-commissioning)

Our experience in integrated pre-commissioning services includes: Pre-engineering, flooding, cleaning, pigging, gauging, testing, drying, preservation and inerting activities.

We have extensive experience in testing of pipelines to all local and international specifications.  Following construction of a system or pipeline, Testing is a statutory requirement prior to final commissioning. However, the other equally important aspects of pre-commissioning are frequently forgotten, e.g. Cleaning of the lines, drying to specified dewpoint, gauging, pigging, nitrogen purging and preservation.

We have a full range of equipment to carry out these functions, including, fill & test pumps, water treatment pumps & tanks , fully certified test cabins with mechanical & electronic instrumentation, super dry air drying equipment & compressors, nitrogen pumps/vaporisers & preservation chemicals and a full range of PER certified pig traps.

hydrostatic testing

Hydrostatic Testing


hydrostatic testing

Hydrostatic Testing in the field

Testing Services – Pneumatic testing & leak testing

Testing of pipework, tanks & systems

Pneumatic testing (or leak testing) is typically carried out after mandatory hydrostatic testing and when systems have been relocated.

Our SAQCC qualified testing personnel together with our range of test equipment and mobile nitrogen pumps/vaporisers enables us to provide a safe and professional pneumatic testing service. We also maintain a stock of nitrogen gas bundles for the smaller testing operations.

pneumatic testing

Pneumatic Testing

Testing Services – Nitrogen & Helium Leak Detection

High Integrity Leak Detection of process systems, heat exchangers & tanks

This high integrity leak detection technique has been developed specifically for plants and vessels where there is a possibility of small leaks on start-up which are difficult to rectify and could potentially be hazardous or lead to failure.

Some plants which fall into this category are: Ethylene, Hydrogen, LNG, cryogenic systems, heat exchangers etc.


Nitrogen & Helium Leak Detection Testing Flange

The technology was originally developed for the offshore oil & gas industry over 40 years ago but has since become common practice for hazardous industrial process installations that need a guaranteed leak-free plant on start-up.

helium leak testing

Helium Leak Testing Process

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